President.........................David Kapuvari Grand Knight……….…John Silvestro
Vice President…...........Jim Harris Acting Treasurer…......Jim Harris
Secretary ............…......John Nolan III Parliamentarian…......John Kaley
Club President.............Pat Vivona PGK
Trustees : Ron Ade, Bill Roller, Frank Guastafeste, Tom Corcoran
2183 Jackson Ave. Seaford NY. 11783
Memorare Foundation
We are volunteer members of the
Knights of Columbus Council #3476
The Memorare Foundation is a 501(c)3 charity focused on giving back to the Long Island Community

Memorare Foundation on Donation to Homecoming Farm Oct. 2017

Memorare Foundation Donation to the INN (Interfaith Nutrition Network) Nov. 2017
Volunteers in kitchen serving hot food to hungry families